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Bildquelle: ESA Media Relations
26 March: Astronauts to offer inspiration during isolation in #SpaceConnectsUs

In Europe and around the world, we’ve been getting used to a different way of living in recent weeks. On Thursday, 26 March, ESA and long-time partner Asteroid Day will host #SpaceConnectsUs – a chance to connect across borders and hear from space explorers, artists, and scientists about how to manage ourselves and our environment as our communities battle a global pandemic.

Quelle: cesah GmbH
Flyer GNMG mit Balken "abgesagt"

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

die Gesundheit unserer Konferenz-Teilnehmer und Partner ist uns wichtig. Daher wollen auch wir unseren Beitrag leisten, um die rasche Verbreitung des Corona-Virus zu verlangsamen. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben wir uns in enger Abstimmung mit unseren Partnern entschlossen, die Konferenz „Global Navigation meets Geoinformation 2020“ abzusagen. Diese war für den 28. April 2020 am ESOC in Darmstadt geplant.

Bildquelle: yuri, Mark Kugel
Yuri and constellr at the PSW

The ESA BIC startup from Baden-Württemberg yuri is the winner of the ESA Space Solutions challenge of the Paris Space Week (PSW). Mark Kugel from yuri pitched in front of a jury and convinced them. „We‘re very excited to be this year‘s winner. The jury decided based on the positive impact our work in microgravity will have in medicine and biotech, which makes us even more proud.“

Bildquelle: Odhiambo, agriBORA
Bildquelle: Odhiambo, agriBORA

Kizito Odhiambo from agriBORA is one of the lecturers of the Copernicus MOOC online course. In his lecture he discusses the use of Copernicus data for precision farming and urban management and shares examples of how agriBORA uses Copernicus to de-risk the smallholder agriculture in East Africa. Learn about the use of Copernicus data in order to achieve the sustainable development goals.