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Bildquelle: HOLM
Ein Tag der Inspiration, des Lernens und des Austauschs

„Logistik, Mobilität und grüne Soße“ lautet der Titel des am 31. Oktober 2018 erstmals stattfindenden Start-up Tages. Zur Vernetzung von Start-ups der Logistik- und Mobilitätsbranche öffnet das House of Logistics and Mobility am Frankfurter Flughafen der deutschen Gründerszene die Türen und bietet Start-ups die Möglichkeit sich durch Ausstellungsflächen, Workshops und Vorträge gegenüber Unternehmen und Hochschulen zu präsentieren. Experten stehen in Workshops und Coaching-Sessions bereit, um Start-ups zu unterstützen. Zudem kann man die hessische Förderlandschaft für Start-ups kennenlernen.

Auf dem Marktplatz haben Start-ups die Möglichkeit, sich durch einen Pitch zu präsentieren und ein Preisgeld in Höhe von 1.500 € zu gewinnen. Wer Interesse daran hat, Investoren für sich zu gewinnen, kann sich für den Speed Pitch der Business Angels Frankfurt Rhein-Main bewerben und dort sein Konzept vorstellen.
Euch erwarten inspirierende Keynotes und spannende Vorträge über die Erfahrungen von Gründern und aktuellen Entwicklungen. Ihr habt außerdem die Möglichkeit spannende Kooperationspartner kennenzulernen.
Auf der Veranstaltungswebseite findet ihr alle Informationen rund um den Start-up Tag, sowie die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung:

Bildquelle: HDA
Startup Summer School - Der perfekte Businessplan in 5 Tagen

Wer sich beruflich selbstständig machen will, benötigt intensive Vorbereitung und einen realisierbaren Plan. Die Start-up Summer School, veranstaltet durch die Wirtschaftspaten, dem Career Center der Hochschule Darmstadt und HIGHEST, vermittelt Dir das nötige Know-how und unterstützt Dich bei der Ausarbeitung Deines Geschäftskonzeptes:

An vier Vormittagen informieren Experten über die verschiedenen Aspekte der Gründung, jeweils nachmittags setzen die Teilnehmer das Gelernte in Kleingruppen und unter fachlicher Betreuung um. Abends berichten Gründer und Experten aus der Praxis. Am fünften Tag präsentieren die Teilnehmer ihre Ausarbeitungen vor einer Jury.


• Gründungsinteressierte mit oder ohne konkrete Geschäftsidee bzw. Hochschulhintergrund

• Studierende und Hochschulabsolventen als künftige Führungskräfte in Unternehmen

• Bereits beruflich Selbstständige, die ihr Wissen vertiefen wollen

Anmeldung unter: http://www.wirtschaftspaten.de/seminare-sprechstunden/seminare

Bildquelle: FabSpace 2.0
FabSpace 2.0 Summer School 2018 from 27th-31th of August

This event will be organized by the FabSpace 2.0 in Darmstadt. Additionally, it receives special support by Software AG (get to know APAMA) and Count+Care GmbH (get in touch with LoRa WAN). It is part of the FabSpace activities to foster awareness of Earth Observation and entrepreneurship. The event is free of charge! Subscribe until 24.08.2018 at summerschool.fabspace-germany.de To find out more please visit the local website: www.fabspace-germany.de

Die neue Standortapp SWIPSH is live!

Swipsh ist ein junges Unternehmen, welches im Januar 2017 in das ESA Business Incubation Center Programm in Darmstadt aufgenommen wurde. Swipsh hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, eine Location-basierte App für junge Leute herauszubringen. Seit 27. Juli ist die App für iOS und Android nun live. Mehr Informationen unter: https://www.swipsh.com

Bildquelle: AZO
Copernicus Accelerator is looking for high-level professionals as mentors

The 2018 Copernicus Accelerator, Europe’s Earth observation (EO) business coaching programme, is looking for mentors to pass on their knowledge and experience to 50 entrepreneurs and start-ups. Registrations are possible until 17.09.2018 at accelerator.copernicus.eu

Brussels, 24 July 2018 – Fostering the use of Copernicus data and spurring the development of commercial space applications using EO data are the main objectives of the European Commission’s Copernicus Accelerator. Through the Copernicus Accelerator programme, start-ups will receive support from experienced mentors and will work with them on advancing their innovations over a period of 10 months.
Therefore, the Copernicus Accelerator is looking for professionals with experience in business coaching, or in the Earth observation, ICT, mobile industry areas as mentors to support entrepreneurs in turning their business ideas into reality. Interested mentors are welcome to register until 17.09.2018 at https://accelerator.copernicus.eu/programme/#mentors.

Mentors and mentees are matched according to their needs and expertise and decide together on the focus of the coaching programme. The mentor will support the market entry and the achievement of measurable progress of its mentee. He or she is remunerated for the business coaching services with EUR 6,500 including travel cost to two Copernicus Accelerator Bootcamps as a fundamental part of the programme. Additionally, the mentor has the chance to interact with industry stakeholders, institutions, and other experts from various fields.
The coaching programme will be kicked off at a bootcamp with all mentors and mentees in Marseille, France, on 3 and 4 December 2018 as part of the European Space Week 2018. At the end of the coaching programme, all mentors and start-ups will meet again in September 2019 at the closing bootcamp to officially seal their coaching relationship.
The European Commission has set up the Copernicus Start-up Programme. It consists of four elements aiming to enhance the uptake of Copernicus data and services: Copernicus Prizes as part of the Copernicus Masters innovation competition, Copernicus Hackathons, Copernicus Incubation Programme and Copernicus Accelerator.

The Copernicus Accelerator is a programme of the European Commission, implemented by SpaceTec Partners and AZO Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen.

About European Commission – DG GROW 

The Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) is the European Commission service responsible for: completing the Internal Market for goods and services; helping turn the EU into a smart, sustainable, and inclusive economy by implementing the industrial and sectorial policies of the flagship Europe 2020 initiative; fostering entrepreneurship and growth by reducing the administrative burden on small businesses; facilitating access to funding for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); and supporting access to global markets for EU companies. All of these actions are encapsulated in the Small Business Act; generating policy on the protection and enforcement of industrial property rights, coordinating the EU’s position and negotiations in the international intellectual property rights (IPR) system, and assisting innovators on using IP rights effectively; and implementing the EU's space policy via its two large-scale satellite programmes Copernicus (for Earth observation) and Galileo (for global navigation), as well as research actions designed to spur technological innovation and economic growth. http://ec.europa.eu/growth/about-us/index_en.htm

About SpaceTec Partners 

SpaceTec Partners is an independent strategy, management, and communications consulting group with offices in Munich and Brussels. Its broad array of services includes strategy and technology consulting, communication activities, and interdisciplinary project management, which it mainly provides to public institutions (the European Commission, the European Space Agency, the European GNSS Agency, the European Parliament, national ministries, etc.) in the space and space applications domain. SpaceTec Partners also offers business coaching to start-ups and SMEs, and is an accredited coach by leading early-stage funds. SpaceTec Partners is strongly involved in Copernicus User Uptake and User Requirements gathering activities on behalf of the European Commission. www.spacetecpartners.eu

About AZO – Partner in Competition & Innovation 

AZO Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen is an international networking and branding company initiating the most important space-related innovation competitions with more than 15,000 participants, over 200 industrial & public - and 400 international stakeholders. The Masters Series, presented by AZO consists of the European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC), Copernicus Masters, Space Exploration Masters, and INNOspace Masters. AZO has been supporting entrepreneurship with more than 130 company foundations to date and the creation of 1,800 high-tech jobs in Bavaria with an annual turnover of about EUR 150 million. Additionally, AZO runs a very successful business angel network which invested more than EUR 130 million Venture Capital in 2016/17 as well as the ESA Incubation Centre (ESA BIC) Bavaria. For more information, please visit www.azo-space.com.


Press contact:

Regine Heue

Head of Marketing & Communications

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