The application phase for the two innovation competitions Copernicus Masters and Galileo Masters is open until the 21st of July – find out more now!
The cesah GmbH has been a partner of the innovation competition Galileo Masters since 2007, supporting the search for innovative satellite navigation applications. For two years now cesah has also participated with a regional Hesse prize in the Copernicus Masters, the global innovation competition at the forefront of Earth observation (EO) data utilization.
The regional Hesse prize in both competitions contains business, marketing and general support as well as a cash prize. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors Hessen Trade & Invest/Digitales Hessen and the European Commission we were able to increase the cash prize to 5000€ for both competitions this year. Take a look at the winners of 2020 and find out more on the Copernicus Masters Hessen Prize and Galileo Masters Hessen Prize pages.
If you would like to know more about the two innovation competitions in general, the available challenges and the application process, take a look at the video below – it is a recording of the presentation by Ines Kühnert, the head of the Galileo & Copernicus Competitions, who introduced the Copernicus Masters & Galileo Masters during the 10. Global Navigation meets Geoinformation 2021 on 17 June 2021 (Video in German):
02:50 Timeline der Wettbewerbe
04:54 Copernicus Masters
05:34 Partner | 07:11 Challenges | 11:44 Preise | 12:37 Hesse Prize | 13:40 Wie nehme ich teil?
14:50 Galileo Masters
15:17 Partner | 16:32 Challenges | 20:28 Preise | 21:18 Wie nehme ich teil? | 22:36 Unterschied zum Copernicus Masters
24:42 Links und Kontakte
About the Copernicus Masters
AZO Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen launched the Copernicus Masters in 2011 on behalf of the European Space Agency (ESA) and with the strong support of world-class partners. The Copernicus Masters is an international competition with the objective to drive Copernicus user uptake of Earth observation (EO) data and thus respective business cases. With partners such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Commission (COM), the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Planet, BayWa AG, Airbus & UP42, the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), and Portugal Space, the competition rewards innovative solutions for business and society. With the expansion of the Copernicus Space Component every year, new prize categories, like the Copernicus Prizes, enable solutions that tackle global challenges.
About Galileo MastersInitiated by AZO Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen, German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology, the Galileo Masters is today the leading network for satellite navigation. The Galileo Masters annually awards prizes to the best services, products, and business ideas that use satellite navigation in everyday life, spurring the development of respective market-driven applications. For 17 years, the international innovation competition has served as an accelerating instrument for space‐related entrepreneurs and startups, providing Europe with innovations. Since 2004, almost 13,000 developers have taken part with an overall prize pool worth EUR 13.8 million for more than 404 winners.